Monday 21 June 2010

Childrens Garden Swings

As any parent will know its not easy to get your children off the kids swings in the local park which is why having a childrens garden swing in your own garden is sure to be popular.

There are many types of swings you can buy, depending upon the age of your child, the size of your garden and obviously your budget.

The basic budget buy would be a rope swing which can be tied to any large tree in your garden, with the next step being to add an old car tyre, or cheap wooden swing seat to add to the fun.

For the younger children a plastic or wooden cradle swing seat would be required as the kids do not have the strength to hold on themselves.

Some of these cradle seats fit into a larger swing frame so can be replaced with a more traditional swing seat when the kids are older.

When opting for a larger framed swing it is worth considering putting some concrete footings into the ground to fit the base of the swing to. This will both stop the frame from sinking into the ground but also give the frame additional stability.

Larger families may opt to go for a double swing-set, so two children can have fun on the swings at the same time, stopping many squabbles over whose turn it is!

If the size of your garden and your budget allow it you could even opt for an activity unit that incorporates swings, slides and even see-saws which will make your child the envy of all his classmates.

For the best deals on Kingfisher Swings, TP Swings, Hedstrom Swings & Little Tikes Swings we recommend Childrens Garden Swings.

Childrens Gardening Tools

Getting a young child interested in gardening can be great for both their education and for their health.

As well as learning how to nurture plants & flowers it is amazing how eager kids are to eat any fruit or vegetables that they have planted, watered and picked themselves in their own garden.

Setting aside a part of your garden specifically for the children is also a handy way to stop them digging up your favourite flowers or prize potatoes!

A set of childrens gardening tools is all it takes to get most kids interested, although it does help if you have a garden of course. For smaller houses or flats kids can still get involved with planting a few containers but a tool set porbably won't be needed.

Kids garden tool sets are now widely available and sometime branded (eg Mickey Mouse or Thomas The Tank Engine Garden Sets) to be even more appealing to kids. You often now find blue or pink childrens gardening tools specifically focussing towards the boys and girls respectively.

When looking for the ideal garden tool set you should look out for one that comes with its own box or carry-bag as this will encourage your child to put their garden tools away tidily and be less likely to lose any elements of the set.

A watering can is a very popular part of a childs gardening tool set, whilst not always included they can be purchased separately, children love to water plants even if most of the water tends to end up on their feet.

Childrens Tools

As an educational toy there is not much better than childrens tools. A young child will have great fun with their kids tool set while also learning along the way.

The first tool most young children play with is a hammer, normally used to bang wooden or plastic shapes through holes...and sometimes used to hit their unsuspecting parents too!

As children get older they move on to more complicated tools, and quite often we see its the more often the boys that are interested in childrens tool sets.

A young boy sees his father doing DIY and wants to copy him, be it by wearing a tool-belt or a hard-hat or by having their own plastic tool box to carry round a full set of childrens tools.

With the popularity of TV programmes such as Bob The Builder, many young boys are keen to show that they too can "Fix-It" just like Bob!

Traditionally childrens tools were just a scaled down version of real adult tools, but more recently manufacturers have made ranges of pastic tools and this now this has even expanded to childrens power tools.

Such childrens power tools are even branded like their Dad's favourite tools, your son can be the proud owner of his own Childrens Bosch Drill.

We recommend Childrens Tools for some great deals on kids tool sets and childrens power tools.